The BA program in Martial Arts is designed to equip students with the humanities and scientific knowledge in martial arts. This program prepares students to explore academic knowledge with techniques to improve performing skills. Students who have learned the basic skills of Taekwondo in this course will be active as athletes or coaches through training in specialized major courses. In addition, this program conducts practical research on Taekwondo's philosophical understanding and health promotion through Taekwondo training.

This program will produce graduates suitable for employment in the field of Taekwondo. Graduates will have good teamwork, communication, and interpersonal skills to work with others effectively in their professional careers. They will be sufficiently prepared to be innovative and ethical leaders in a global society.

Careers after Graduation

After achieving a belt test level of VI, students become qualified as masters, referees, instructors, bodyguards, safety staff, physical education instructors, Taekwondo organization administrators, Taekwondo event marketers, etc.


Students have chances to have certification from GCU such as Taekwondo belt certification, Taekwondo master certification, Sports for all instructor certification, Sports game instructor certification, and various referee certifications (Poomsae, sparring, Taekwondo for the disabled, etc.).


General Education (72 credits)

Each undergraduate student must complete 72 credit hours (24 courses) in general education. The General Education curriculum for the Bachelor of Arts in Taekwondo degree requires ten courses in Bible & Theology, two courses in writing and communication, one course in a foreign language, four courses in fine arts/humanities, three courses in the behavioral/social sciences, two courses in science, two courses in math, and one course in computer literacy.
And a student who has completed an AA degree in Martial Arts will need to take the required courses to complete BA in Martial Arts. The school will acknowledge 60 credit hours from an AA degree.
Ten courses in Bible & Theology in the curriculum of BA in Martial Art are required by the ABHE standard (Refer to the ABHE Commission on Accreditation Manual, p. 28 Standard 11, Academic Program #9).
Bible and Theology* (30 credits)

Credit Hours

BS101 A Survey of the Bible 3
BS230 Interpretation of the Bible 3
OT200 Introduction to the Old Testament 3
NT200 Introduction to the New Testament 3
BT100 Christian Worldview         3
BT101 Jesus Christ in Global Society 3
NT310 The Parables of Jesus 3
OT206 Wisdom Literature 3
TH200 Systematic Theology         3
PT210 Foundations of the Church                          3

English Writing and Communication (6 credits)

Credit Hours

ENGL101 English I 3
ENGL102 English II                     3

Foreign Language (select Two language: 3 credits)

Credit Hours

LAN101/102 Spanish I/II 3
LAN131/132 Chinese I/II                  3
LAN141/142 Korean I/II 3

Fine Art/Humanities (12 credits)

Credit Hours

ART120 Western Art History 3
HUM104 Religions of the World 3
SFE200 Spiritual Formation 3
HUM105 Multi-Cultural Leadership in Education 3
SST029 Humanities of Taekwondo 3
SST069 Taekwondo Technical English 3
SST039 Taekwondo International Relations 3
SST055 Taekwondo personality education 3
SST089 Exploration of martial arts culture 3

Behavioral/Social Sciences (9 credits)

Credit Hours

ECON101 Fundamental Economics 3
ECON201 Introduction to Microeconomics 3
BCOM101 Business Communication I 3
HIS140 History of America 3
HUM103 Introduction to Christian Ethics 3
SOC102 Marriage and Family 3
SOC103 Race and Ethnic Relations 3
SOC110 Introduction to Sociology 3
SOC146 Christianity and Economic Thoughts 3
PSY130 Introduction to Psychology 3

Science (6 credits)

Credit Hours

SCI101 Chemistry 3
SCI102 Biology 3
SCI103 Physics 3
SCI104 Bible and Science* 3

Mathematics(6 credits)

Credit Hours

BMAT101 College Algerbra 3
BMAT102 Calculus 3

Computer Literacy (3 credits)

Credit Hours

CIS230 Microsoft Excel 3
CIS232 Microsoft Access 3
CIS235 QuickBooks 3
CS221 Computer Networking 3
CIS231 Advanced Excel with Visual Basic for Applications 3
CIS371 Microsoft Word I 3
CIS339 Microsoft Outlook – Comprehensive Course 3
CS102 Internet, HTML and Web Design 3

*Students are required to complete ten courses (30 credits) in Bible & Theology for graduation.

Martial Arts (Taekwondo) Core Courses (27 credits)

The major coursework requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in Taekwondo degree are 27 semester hours in practical Taekwondo.

Credit Hours

SST003 Basic technical principles 3
SST005 Basic Technology Application 3
SST009 Competition 3
SST013 Gyeonggi Poomsae 3
SST015 Taekwondo Demonstration 3
SST051 Taekwondo performance 3
SST053 Taekwondo culture and demonstration performance 3
SST023 Taekwondo technical system theory 3
SST095 Taekwondo Judgment Law 3
SST077 Exercise Injuries and Treatment 3
SST079 Taekwondo International Relations 3
SST083 Taekwondo training and development by life cycle 3
SST053 Taekwondo culture and demonstration performance 3
SST063 Taekwondo Education 3

Taekwondo Elective Courses (21 credits)

Credit Hours

SST089 Exploration of martial arts culture 3
SST061 Taekwondo Marketing 3
SST043 Painting management 3
SST029 Humanities of Taekwondo 3
SST055 Taekwondo personality education 3
SST079 Taekwondo International Relations 3
SST019 Taekwondo movement analysis 3
SST023 Taekwondo technical system theory 3

Institutional Requirement (Chapel)
Students must take WS305 Institutional Requirement (chapel attendance/no credit) every semester enrolled until graduation. Students will receive a Pass/Fail grade for WS305 IR.


First Semester

Credit Hours

*BT100 Christian Worldview 3
SST003 Basic technical principles 3
ENGL101 English I 3
ART120 Western Art History 3
SOC110 Introduction to Sociology 3
  Total     15

Second Semester

Credit Hours

* TH200 Systematic Theology 3
SST015 Taekwondo Demonstration 3
SFE200 Spiritual Formation 3
HS140 History of America 3
SCI102 Biology 3
  Total     15

Third Semester

Credit Hours

*BT101 Jesus Christ in Global Society 3
SST005 Basic technology application 3
SST009 Competition 3
HUM104 Religions of the World 3
MATH 102 Calculus 3
  Total     15

Fourth Semester

Credit Hours

*BS101 A Survey of the Bible 3
SST013 Gyeonggi Poomsae 3
LAN101/Spanish I 3
CIS371 Microsoft Word 3
HUM105 Multi-Cultural Leadership in Education 3
  Total     15

Fifth Semester

Credit Hours

SST095 Taekwondo Judgment Law 3
BS230 Interpretation of the Bible 3
ENGL102 English II 3
SST089 Exploration of martial arts culture 3
SST061 Taekwondo Marketing 3
  Total     15

Sixth Semester

Credit Hours

SST077 Exercise Injuries and Treatment 3
NT200 Introduction to the New Testament 3
LAN102/Spanish II 3
SST055 Taekwondo personality education 3
SCI101 Chemistry 3
  Total     15

Seventh Semester

Credit Hours

SST079 Taekwondo International Relations Grades 3
NT310 The Parables of Jesus 3
PSY130 Introduction to Psychology 3
SST043 Painting management 3
SST029 Humanities of Taekwondo 3
  Total     15

Eighth Semester

Credit Hours

SST083 Taekwondo training and development by life cycle 3
OT206 Wisdom Literature 3
PT210 Foundations of the Church 3
SST079 Taekwondo International Relations Grades 3
SST019 Taekwondo movement analysis Grades 3
  Total     15

Total Course Hours Required for Graduation 120