Online Application Posting

Online Application Posting

Online Application Posting

Application Form General
GCU Application Checklist
6789 Peachtree Ind. Blvd. Atlanta, GA 30360
(P) 678-535-7771
Please answer all the questions applicable to you for each document.
    Submit the following:
  • All Application Documents
  • $100 Application Fee
  • Additional Materials for Each Program
    Request the following:
  • Official Transcript(s)
  • Certificate of Immunization (Form F)
  • Recommendation Letter(s)

School Degree/Program
School of Christianity BA in Theological Studies
BA in Christian Education
School of Divinity MA in Christian Education
Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
Doctor of Ministry (D. Min.)
Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies
School of Business Management BA in Business Administration
School of Music BA in Music
MA in Music
Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA)
School of Computer Science AA in Computer Science
BA in Computer Science
School of Sports Science AA in Martial Arts
BA in Martial Arts
MA in Martial Arts
Certificate Programs Computer Science (Networking)
Theological Studies
CHECKLIST for Application Documents

International Students Only

A. Application Information
Application Term Application Type Admissions Bachelor’s Office Use Only


Student ID # :

B. Application Information
Full Legal Name (Last, First) Name in Other Language Gender Date of Birth

Nationality Current Visa Status Marital Status Cell Phone


Contact Number in USA Number in Other than USA E-mail Address

Current Mailing Address

Place of Birth (City/Country) First Language Second Language

C. Emergency Contact
Contact 1 Full Legal Name Relationship Contact Number

Note Mailing Address

Contact 2 Full Legal Name Relationship Contact Number

Note Mailing Address

D. Educational History
Name of HS,
College, University
City/Country Start-End Major Earned Degree
E. Academic Program
Certificate AA & Bachelor’s Master’s Doctoral

Applicant’s Signature
I certify that all information submitted in the admission process -including the Application, any supplements, and any supporting materials- is my own work, factually true and honestly presented.

Signature :

Date : 2025-01-18

*Georgia Central University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, creed, sex, age, physical disability, learning disability, political affiliation, and veteran status

Form A-2 Self-Description & Study Plan
Self-Description & Study Plan (Feel free to attach an additional sheet to answer questions)
1. Self-introduction.(Please explain and describe your aptitudes, hobbies and philosophy of life)
자기 소개서(성장과정/성격 및 장단점 등)
2. What is the purpose of your application to Georgia Christian University Georgia Central University
입학하는 목적(동기)는 무엇입니까?
3. What are your future plans after graduating from Georgia Central University?
GCU 를 졸업한 후에는 무엇을 할 계획입니까?
4. What other information do you believe would be helpful to the Board in understanding you better and in considering your application?
학교 이사회에서 지원자를 더 잘 이해하고 입학을 고려하는데 도움을 줄 수 있는 또 다른 정보가 있다면 무엇입니까?

After completing all the relevant questions in the box below, please give this form to a teacher, a professor, or a pastor who has taught or known you for over a year. If applying via mail, please also give him or her stamped envelopes addressed to GCU (6789 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Atlanta, GA 30360).
Legal Name
Date of Birth
IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTE: By signing this form, I authorize the admission officers reviewing my application to contact my reference(s), should they have questions about the school documents submitted on my behalf.

I understand that under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), after I matriculate, I will have access to this form and all other recommendations and supporting documents submitted by me and on my behalf, unless of least one of the following is true:

The institution does not save recommendations post-matriculation (See list at
You may or may not waive your right-to-access below (mark one box), regardless of the institution to which they are sent:
Required Signature :
Date : 2025-01-18

TO THE TEACHER, PROFESSOR, OR PASTOR (SD applicant – to the professor from previous school)
Georgia Central University finds candid evaluations helpful in choosing from highly qualified candidates. Please submit your references promptly and remember to sign below before mailing directly to Georgia Central University Office of the Admissions. Please feel free to attach an additional sheet or another reference to answer the following questions.
Name (Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr.)

Background Information & Questions
1. How long have you known the applicant and in what context?
2. What are the first words that come to your mind to describe this applicant?
3. Would you conscientiously recommend this applicant for admission here?
4. Please list the name and address of another person who might give us a competent assessment of this applicant?
Ratings: Please rate the applicants on the following characteristic
  Low(1) - Average(3) - Very High(5)
Academic Achievement                
Concern for Others                
Consecration to God’s Will                
Leadership Ability                
Moral Character                
Self Confidence                

Required Signature :
Date : 2025-01-18

Additional Evaluation: Please write whatever you think is important about this student. (Feel free to attach an additional sheet or another reference you may have prepared on behalf of this student. We welcome any information that would help us to differentiate this student from others.
Please complete this form.

The Office of Admissions
Georgia Central University
6789 Peachtree Ind. Blvd.
Atlanta, GA 30360
(P) 678-535-7771

Please read this Agreement carefully and sign at the bottom of the page.
1. I have read Georgia Central University Catalog and Student Handbook and have enrolled withfull knowledge of its standards and practices for postsecondary education.
2. I understand that attendance at Georgia Central University is a privilege and not a right. Student forfeit this privilege if they do not conform to the standards and ideals of work and life of the University, and the University may insist on the withdrawal of a student at any time that the student, in the opinion of the University, does not conform to the spirit of the foundation.
3. I understand the required fees, tuition and refund policy of Georgia Central University.
4. I understand that the catalog contains current information regarding the University’s calendar, fees, admissions policies, degree requirements, regulations and course offerings, and that Georgia Central University reserves the right to withdraw a course at any time; change tuition and other fees; revise the calendar and rules regarding admission and graduation requirements; and revise any other regulations affecting the student body. Revisions shallbecome effective whenever the proper authorities so determine and shall, at the discretion of such authorities, applynot only to prospective students but also to those who at that time are matriculated in the University.
5. I understand the student dismissal policy of Georgia Central University.
6. I understand that the ministry educational programs offered by Georgia Central University are designedfor ecclesiastical vocations.
7. I understand that Georgia Central University is accredited by the ABHE and ATS under the guidanceof the United States Department Education, and that the transfer of credit is left to the discretion of thereceiving institution.
8. I understand that Georgia Central University is not responsible for my employment with any church, denomination, religious or secular organizations and entities with which I make application.
9. I understand that all course work required for credit at Georgia Central University must be my own work.
10. I understand that I will be responsible for all unpaid fees and incurred interest expenses and will not be ableto receive official documents including transcripts until such fees are paid in full.
11. I understand the context of Release and Assignment Form which is required to be submitted prior to admission. In the event that a photographer or video camera person of Georgia Central University takes a picture with me in it, either singly or in a group, I give permission for my picture to be used in future brochures, videotapes or other publications of Georgia Central University.
12. I have not been misled in my inquiry for enrollment with Georgia Central University and hold theUniversity harmless from all of my own misunderstandings.
I have read this form carefully and understand the consequences of my decision to agree on each agenda prescribed above.

Applicant Name (Please Print) :
Signature :
Date : 2025-01-18

This form should be retained for five (5) years in the student file



Georgia Central University (herein called GCU) and/or its authorized employees, representatives or agents may perform audio/video recordings and take photographs of me from my registration and enrollment until my graduation or the termination of my student status at GCU. With respect to all such images and recordings, and reproductions of same in any medium, including the World Wide Web for valuable consideration, I hereby irrevocably:

(a) Consent to and authorize their use by GCU, or anyone authorized by GCU, for reproduction, distribution, sales and exhibition and in any medium including, but not limited to the sale publication, display and exhibition thereof for educational purposes, promotion, advertising, and trade without any compensation or notice to me.

(b) Consent to the use of my name, and

(c) Grant and assign to GCU the right to secure copyright reproductions of same in any medium

(d) Release, discharge and acquit GCU from any claims, demands or causes of actions that I hereinafter have against GCU by reason of anything contained in such images, recordings and reproductions thereof or in the advertising or publicizing thereof.
This release shall apply to GCU, as well as GCU's subsidiaries, affiliates, successors and representatives.

Date : 2025-01-18

Name in Full :

Signature :


Georgia Central University (GCU) is a Jesus Christ-centered institution of higher learning that is unwavering in its belief that the doctrinal statements are foundational to the educational and spiritual growth of each GCU trustee, faculty, student, and staff member.
  • We believe that there is one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
  • We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious atonement through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal and visible return in power and glory.
  • We believe that man was created in the image of God, that he was tempted by Satan and fell, and that, because of the exceeding sinfulness of human nature, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary for salvation.
  • We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life, and by Whom the church is empowered to carry out Christ’s great commission.
  • We believe in the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the lost; those who are saved unto the resurrection of life and those who are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
Note: Each Faculty, Staff, Board member, and Student at GCU shall subscribe over his/her signature to the foregoing Biblical Foundations Statement. GCU has determined that board members, faculty, staff and students only need to re-sign the Biblical Foundations Statement if there are any changes.

I have read, understand, and respect the Biblical Foundations Statement of Georgia Central University.

Full Name :

Signature :

Date : 2025-01-18

FORM F - Certificate of Immunization*

Name in Full:
Date of Birth:




  • Request for Religious Exemption: I affirm that immunization required by the Georgia Central University is in conflict with my religious beliefs. I understand I am subject to exclusion and reimbursement of any medical expenses in the event of an outbreak of a disease for which immunization is required.
  • Request for Medical contraindication (Attach Verification by HealthCare Provider)
  • Distance Education (Overseas): I declare that I will be enrolling in only courses offered by Distance Education (outside the USA). I understand that if I register for a course offered on campuses, this exemption becomes void and I will be excluded from class until I provide proof of immunization.

Student Signature
Date 2025-01-18

* Other form(s) of medical document may be acceptable.

FORM G - Assumption of Risk and Liability Release(1/2)

After reviewing this form, please fill out all information and place your signature where required, authorizing your participation in the program at/through Georgia CentralUniversity Inc.


Student's Name
Zip Code
Home Phone
Mobile Phone(s)

I, assume the risks of personal injury and/or property damage in participating in the Program of (“Program”) at Georgia Central UniversityInc. (“GCU”). I understand that any violation of campus rules may result in termination of my attendance in the program and/or judicial charges.

I hereby release any and all rights for claims and damages I may have against GCU now and in the future,its trustees, officers, employees and agents, facilities including faculty, staff members and supervisors, inany manner due to any personal injury or property loss sustained while enrolled or attending Georgia Central University; this includes travel to and from Program’s destination(s) and all campuses and/or my participation in the activities associated with Georgia Central University Inc., including any activities I may engage in during my free time while participating in GCU Programs. I will not hold GCU responsible for liability for injury or damages arising from the result of my participation and attendance at Georgia Central University, unless it is due to willful or intentional misconduct or negligence on the part of GCU.

FORM G - Assumption of Risk and Liability Release(2/2)
I acknowledge that Georgia Central University does not offer the opportunity to purchase health coverage from a Health Cooperative or any other Health Coverage Options Policies. for myself or mydependents through my enrollment at Georgia Central University.

Please read and initial the options below indicating your current insurance status and preferences:

Student medical insurance coverage information (international studentssee below)

Insurance company name : Policy no.

I hereby give permission for the staff members coordinating my admission to authorize emergency medical care on my behalf, if necessary, while enrolled at Georgia Central University.

I do not wish to enroll myself in any type of medical coverage at this time. I do not wish to enroll my spouse or child(ren) in any type of medical coverage at this time.

I am fully qualified to meet the physical and technical requirements necessary to participate inany programs or activities at Georgia Central University. I am at least 18 years old and I enter this agreement voluntarily.

I understand that I must provide proof of health, medical, and/or accident insurance to the Office of Admissions as part of my application to GCU. I understand that, while GCU may provide clerical assistance to students in obtaining insurance, this assistance is only insofar as helping with completionof forms, etc., and that GCU cannot and does not accept responsibility for student insurance, copayments, premium payment or rates, or any other part of students’ insurance policies.

Student Signature
Date 2025-01-18
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Signature of Parent/Guardian if participant is not at least 18 years old:
Date 2025-01-18
Parent’s Name(s):
Parent’s Contact Number(s):
Parent’s Address:
NOTE: If you currently have a condition (i.e. medical, disability or other issues) that will require accommodation in order to attend Georgia Central University, please contact the Office of Admissions who is(are) handling your admissions process. Some elements may be out of the control of GCU and therefore, alternative options must be discussed with the faculty/staff members.

Student Legal Name:
Student ID:
Date of Birth:
Home Telephone:
Email Address:
Emergency Contact:
Program Name:
Program Level:
Program Objectives:
Term: Fall 20 Spring 20 Summer 20
Program Start Date:
Scheduled End Date:
         Number of Weeks:
Total Clock/Credit Hours:
Days Class Meets:                  
Schedule Notes:
Check the box for the program in which you are enrolling and for the fees associated with that program.
Program Credit
per Credit
Undergraduate Degree Programs
65 $400 Application Fee* :

Enrollment Fee2 :


Admissions Fee :
Music Facility :
65 $400
128 $400
128 $400
126 $350
126 $350
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Program Credit
per Credit
Graduate Degree Programs
126 $400  
126 $400
60 $450 Application Fee* :
Enrollment Fee2 :

60 $450
90 $450
60 $450
48 $450
36 $490
Doctoral Degree Programs
36 $500 Application Fee* :
Enrollment Fee2 :
Admissions Fee :
60 $550 Application Fee* :
Enrollment Fee2 :
Admissions Fee :
Music Facility :
60 $650 Application Fee* :
Enrollment Fee2 :
Admissions Fee :
Certificate Programs
37 $350 Application Fee* :
Enrollment Fee2 :
30 $450
$250/course Application Fee* :
Enrollment Fee2 : Or  
$1,800/8-week session

Other Fees1
Check all the boxes that apply to you and to the program in which you are enrolling.
Orientation Fee $100
Security Tuition Deposit $3000
SEVIS J-1 Application* $100
SEVIS I-901 Fee $220 $350
International Student Fee $1000
Graduation Fee3* $500
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Late Registration* $100
Tuition Installment* $100
Thesis Advisement $600
Thesis Continuation $500
Official Transcript $5.00
Proposal Guidance $1000
Dissertation Tuition $4500
Dissertation Advisement $1000
DMA Comprehensive Exam $2000
Continuance $500
Apostille $35
Music Facility All School of Music students

Registration $50
Technology $50
Student ID Reproduction $10
nsufficient Fund Charge* $50
Late Payment Interest* 18%
Credit Card Convenience 3.5%

Determine the total tuition, total fees, and total owed this term, and have the student put his/her initials in each column. Initials
TERM : Fall 20 Spring 20 Summer 20
TOTAL TUITION (Tuition per credit x total credits the student is enrolled in) :
TOTAL FEES (Sum of all applicable fees) :
TOTAL CHARGES FOR THIS TERM (Sum of total tuition and total fees) :
1 Please make payment payable to “G.C.U.” or “Georgia Central University.” All tuition and fees are due at the time of registration.

2 The Enrollment Fee for the certificate/undergraduate/graduate programs, course audits, and ESOL include 1 Course Registration fee $25, Technology Fee $50, and Institutional Fee $25 OR 3 or more Course Registration fee $75, Technology Fee $150, and Institu tional Fee $75. The Enrollment Fee for the Doctor of Ministry program includes a Registration fee $100, Technology Fee $200, and Institutional Fee $100. The Enrollment Fee for the Doctor of Musical Arts, Registration fee $175, the Technology Fee $250, and the Institutional Fee $155. Doctor of Philosophy programs, Registration fee $125, Technology Fee $250, and Institutional Fee $125.

**The Graduation Fee for undergraduate/graduate programs includes a Cap & Gown fee $140 and a Commencement Ceremony fee $160. The Graduation Fee for the Doctor of Ministry program includes a Dissertation Binding fee $1,000 (10 copies) and a Commencement Ceremony fee $200. The Graduation Fee for the Doctor of Musical Arts and Doctor of Philosophy programs includes a Dissertation Binding fee $1,300 (10 copies) and a Commencement Ceremony fee $200.

* Application fees, graduation fees, late registration fees, insufficient fund fees, and late payment interests are non-refundable.
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Tuition may be refunded as provided below. To formally withdraw, a student must submit an Official Withdrawal Request Form to the Office of Admissions and a dated and signed Tuition Refund Request Form to the Office of Business Affairs as soon as possible after deciding to withdraw. A student will be issued a refund if the last date of attendance is on or before the date marking the midpoint of the semester or academic session.
A student may receive a refund for overpayment, withdrawal from classes, or dismissal from the University. There is no administrative fee for discontinuing as a student of the University. All refunds are issued within 30 days of the date of withdrawal; however, if overseas delivery is required, actual delivery may take several days beyond this 30-day period.
Refunds are determined based on prorating of tuition and the percentage of a registered program completed at the time of withdrawal, up through 50% of the program. For example, if a student completes 25% of the semester, as calculated on the official Academic Calendar

GCU Enrollment Agreement
published by GCU, he/she will receive a refund of 75% of t h e tuition paid. If a student withdraws after completing more than 50% of the registered program, no tuition refund will be issued.

Refunds will be issued for tuition and refundable fees ONLY*. Refunds will not be issued for the following:
  • Application fee
  • Late registration fee (per class)
  • Institutional scholarship funds
  • Graduation fees
  • Returned check or declined credit card fees.
  • Late payment fees
  • Penalty for non-payment or default payment fee

  • All tuition and fees paid, excluding nonrefundable fees, must be fully refunded should a cancellation request be made within 72 hours of signing the enrollment agreement.
  • The institution that cancels or changes a program of study or course (time or location) in such a way that a student who has started the program or course is unable to continue ensures the following:
    a. Makes arrangements, in a timely manner, to accommodate the needs of each student enrolled in the program; or
    b. Refunds all money paid by the student for the program of study or course if alternative arrangements determined by GNPEC to be equitable to both the institution and the student are not possible.
*NOTE: All monies will be refunded IF AND ONLY IF the student requests a refund within three (30) business days of signing th e application paperwork, OR if no paperwork is signed and, prior to classes beginning, the student requests a refund wit hin three (30) business days of making a payment.
A student who believes that a refund has not been calculated correctly may appeal to the Director of Business Affairs and, if need be, to the President.

Daniel Kim, Director of Business Affairs
Phone: 678-535-7771
Any student who remains dissatisfied after attempting resolution through GCU channels may file a complaint with the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission:

2082 East Exchange Pl, Ste. 220
Tucker, GA 30084
Phone: 770-414-3300
Complaints must be filed through the GNPEC website at
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Georgia Central University requires all students to attend all their registered classes, including chapel (Institutional Requirement). Any students missing more than 3 class sessions will be permanently dismissed from the class for that particular semester with a grade of “F.” This attendance policy is non-negotiable and is a requirement of the United Immigration Services for international students; university officials are required to terminate any such student’s J-1 visa status in any case of failure to attend classes. Three late attendances to any class will be regarded as one absence.

In case of an emergency, a student may submit an official Absence Excusal Form to the faculty member in charge of each of the courses in which the student is enrolled. This form is available at the Office of Academic Affairs and on the GCU w ebsite. This form must be completed and signed by the applicant; the decision to grant a recognized absence then relies on the faculty’s judgment and o n submitted documentation. If the student has official permission from the Office of Student Affairs to be absent due to an emergency situation (including injury, hardship or sickness), the student may miss the class on the stated dates, and such absences will not coun t towards his/her attendance.

Georgia Central University cannot guarantee employment.

I understand that this is a legally binding contract. My signature below certifies that I have read, understood, and agreed to my

GCU Enrollment Agreement
rights and responsibilities and that the institution’s refund policies have been clearly explained to me.

Student Signature
Date 2025-01-18
Institutional Representative Signature
Date 2025-01-18

Students must receive a copy of this form, and a copy must be kept in the student’s file. This form must be accompanied by a GNPEC Student Disclosure Form.
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Attachment : Please attach as a compressed(zip) file(JPG Image). 20MB limited.

Please enter the number.